Tattoos are bagaian of art, language Tattoos are from Tahiti "wounded" means a sign that it seems. Although the evidence is not the history of tattoos so much, but the experts decide that the tattoo art I have this since 12,000 years BC. Antiquity tattoos for rituals such tribes as the ancient Maori, Inca, Ainu, Polynesians, etc.. According to history, the people of Egypt so that higher growth in the tattoo world. Egypt, a nation known as a strong nation that is famous, so they are against the expansion because the other nations, tattoo art is also wide-spread follow-up, to areas such as Greek, Persian, and Arabic.
What is the reason for the tribes in the ancient world to create tattoos? The ancient Greek nation tattoos as identification of members of their intelligence, aka detective at the time of war. Here the tattoos indicate the rank of detective is. different from the Roman nation, they wear tattoos as a sign that someone is coming from the slave, and Tattoos dirajahi also to any body of tahanannya. Maori tribe in New Zealand make Tattoos shaped carvings on the spiral-carved face and buttocks. According to them, this is the mark of a good offspring. In the Solomon Islands, ditorehkan Tattoos in the face of women as ritus to mark a new stage in their lives. Almost the same as above, the Nuer tribe in the Sudan to mark Tattoos ritus initiation in boys. Indian people paint and sculpt the body of their skin to add beauty or show a certain social status.
Tattoos aka Wen Shen tattoo or start merambahi taon countries around China in 2000 BC. Wen Shen perhaps meaning "body acupuncture." note, the same as the Roman nation, the ancient Chinese tattoos to signify that someone had dipenjara. Meanwhile, in China itself, there is a tattoo culture in some ethnic minoritasnya, which has been inherited by their fathers, such as ethnic Drung, Dai, and Li, but only the women who come from ethnic Li and Drung having a habit mentato face. Historical customs Drung ethnic Tattoos appear around the end of this period Kedinastian Emperor Ming (about 350 years ago), when they are attacked by a group o
Initially, the materials to make Tattoos are from the shell charcoal, mixed with sugar cane water. Tools used are very traditional. Such as wood handles, needle and hammer from the trunk. Rural people still use manual techniques and traditional materials. Eskimo people, for example, using needles made from animal bones. In the Shaolin temples using a heated copper gentong to print pictures dragon tattoo on the skin tubih. Shaolin disciples who were deemed eligible to get a symbol that, by attaching a second arm them on the kind of printing images of the dragon on both sides of the copper heat gentong it. Far different from now. At this time, especially among the urban community, making Tattoos done with electric engine. This machine is found in the year 1891 in the UK. Then pewarnanya substance use synthetic ink (ink tattoo). Drape the body with tattoos to make us appear more attractive.
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